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      作者:吴舜,周燕    (武汉市新洲区人民医院,湖北 武汉 430060)
      卷次: 2018年29卷8期
      【摘要】 消毒剂作为控制医院感染的一个重要手段,可以有效的切断各种致病菌的传播途径,防止感染的爆发和流行。同抗生素滥用使得细菌对药物的选择性压力升高一样,近些年,随着消毒剂的滥用或使用方法不当,全球各个地区均有关于消毒剂抗性菌株的报道,这将成为之后医院感染控制过程中一个极大的隐患。因此,本文针对目前消毒剂抗性菌株的检测方法与耐药机制进行阐述,为防止消毒剂抗性菌株的产生和监测提供理论基础。
      【关键词】 细菌;消毒剂;耐药;机制
      【中图分类号】 R197.39 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2018)08—1142—04

Research progress of detection methods and drug resistance mechanism in bacterial resistance to disinfectants.WU Shun, ZHOU Yan.

Wuhan Xinzhou District People's Hospitial, Wuhan 430060, Hubei, CHINA【Abstract】 Disinfectants can effectively cut off the transmission of various pathogens and prevent the outbreakand epidemic of infection as an important means in controlling nosocomial infection. Disinfectant-resistant strains werereported all around the world in recent years along with the abuse and improper methods of disinfectants, just as theabuse of antibiotics makes the selective pressure of bacterial resistance to antibiotics high, which will be a big hiddentrouble in controlling nosocomial infection later. Therefore, this article provides a theoretical basis in preventing andmonitoring the production of disinfectant resistant strains directing at current detection methods and drug resistancemechanism of disinfectant resistant strains.
      【Key words】 Bacteria; Disinfectant; Resistant; Mechanism·综 述·doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-6350.2018.08.031
