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      作者:孙颖,唐晓丽,周园园,王静,王成坤    (吉林大学口腔医院牙体牙髓病科,吉林 长春 130021)
      卷次: 2018年29卷8期
      【摘要】 在根管治疗操作中,器械分离是广泛存在的并发症之一。因为分离的器械遗留在患牙根管内会阻碍根管系统内感染物质及细菌的清除,使患牙炎症不能彻底消除,从而使后续操作不能顺利进行,因此对根管治疗的疗效及预后均具有潜在的影响。临床操作中导致根管内器械分离的原因非常复杂,并且受多种因素的联合影响,对于根管内分离器械,取出还是保留及如何取出已有很多的研究和报道。本文就近年来报道的根管内器械分离的原因、处理措施及预后做一综述,以期为临床工作提供帮助。
      【关键词】 器械分离;显微超声技术;显微套管技术
      【中图分类号】 R781.33 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2018)08—1139—04

Research progress on instrument separation in root canal.

SUN Ying, TANG Xiao-li, ZHOU Yuan-yuan, WANG Jing,WANG Cheng-kun. Department of Endodontics and Operative Dentistry, School of Stomatology, Jilin University, Changchun130021, Jilin, CHINA【Abstract】 One of the most troublesome problems in endodontic treatment is separation and lock of the instru-ments in root canals. Irretrievable intracanal separation of endodontic instruments may block the pathway to the apicalconstriction and thus hinder the effectiveness of shaping and cleaning procedures, which may affect the prognosis. Thecauses of the separation of endodontic instruments are multifactorial and complicated. For the root canal separation in-struments, to remove it or reserve it and how to remove it has been discussed in many studies and reports. This articlesummarizes the cause, management and prognosis of instrument separation.
      【Key words】 Instruments separation; Micro-ultrasonic technique; Microtube delivery methods·综 述·doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-6350.2018.08.030
