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      作者:林国模 1,潘晓芬 2,李正然 2,刘玉玲 2    1.中山市民众医院儿科,广东 中山 528400;2.中山市博爱医院儿科,广东 中山 528400
      卷次: 2019年30卷10期
      【摘要】 目的 探讨儿童遗尿症(NE)的相关性因素。方法 对 2015年 9月至 2016年 2月中山市 6所小学共720例儿童进行筛查,其中以540例遗尿症患儿为观察组,180例健康儿童为对照组。比较两组儿童的患病史、便秘情况、家族遗传史、精神状况等基本资料,并采用单因素分析和多因素Logistic回归分析影响儿童遗尿症的相关因素。结果 观察组和对照组儿童的便秘(16.11% vs 6.11%)、夜尿多(17.78% vs 4.44%)、精神紧张(8.89% vs 2.78%)、家族有遗尿史(22.78% vs 7.22%)、睡眠觉醒障碍(28.89% vs 7.22%)、膀胱功能障碍(18.89% vs 6.11%)比较,观察组明显均高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,家族有遗尿史、睡眠觉醒障碍和膀胱功能障碍是影响儿童遗尿症的主要因素(P<0.05)。结论 引起儿童遗尿症的主要因素可能与家族遗尿史、睡眠觉醒障碍和膀胱功能障碍有关,临床诊断和治疗时,需要综合分析,做到早期预防和治疗,提高治疗效果。
      【关键词】 中山市;儿童遗尿症;调查;睡眠觉醒障碍;膀胱功能障碍;影响因素
      【中图分类号】 R726.9 【文献标识码】 D 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2019)10—1345—03

Relevant factors of enuresis in children.

LIN Guo-mei 1, PAN Xiao-fen 2, LI Zheng-ran 2, LIU Yu-ling 2. 1. Departmentof Pediatrics, Zhongshan People's Hospital, Zhongshan 528400, Guangdong, CHINA; 2. Department of Pediatrics,Zhongshan Boai Hospital, Zhongshan 528400, Guangdong, CHINA
【Abstract】 Objective To explore the correlative factors of nocturnal enuresis (NE) in children. Methods Atotal of 720 children from 6 primary schools in Zhongshan City from May 2015 to May 2016 were screened, of which540 children with enuresis were selected as the observation group and 180 healthy children were selected as the controlgroup. The history of illness, constipation, family genetic history, mental status, and other basic data of the two groupswere compared. Univariate analysis and multivariate logistic regression analysis were used to analyze the related factorsaffecting enuresis in children. Results The constipation (16.11% vs 6.11%), nocturia (17.78% vs 4.44%), mental stress(8.89% vs 2.78%), family enuresis (22.78% vs 7.22%), sleep arousal disorder (28.89% vs 7.22%), and bladder dysfunc-tion (18.89% vs 6.11%) in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group (P<0.05). Mul-tivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the main factors affecting children with enuresis were family history ofenuresis, sleep arousal disorder, and bladder dysfunction. Conclusion The main causes of enuresis in children may befamily history of enuresis, sleep disturbance, and bladder dysfunction. Comprehensive analysis is needed in the diagno-sis and treatment of clinical diseases so as to achieve early prevention and treatment and improve the therapeutic effect.
      【Key words】 Zhongshan City; Enuresis in children; Survey; Sleep awareness disorder; Bladder dysfunction; In-fluencing factors·调查研究·doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-6350.2019.10.035基金项目:广东省中山市科技计划项目(编号:2015B1162)
