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    (吉林大学口腔医院病理科,吉林 长春 130021)
      卷次: 2016年27卷13期
      【摘要】 放射治疗诱导的自噬与导致细胞死亡的凋亡起到的作用不同,其具有既可以导致细胞死亡又可以保

      【关键词】 自噬;放射治疗;诱导;肿瘤细胞;研究;进展

      【中图分类号】 R730.231 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2016)13—2165—04

Influence of change in drug-mediated autophagy level on the radiosensitivity of tumor cells.

XU Zhao-nan, WANG
Shu-yu, BI Ye, HU Yue, ZHOU Li-jia, ZHANG Ze-bing. Department of Pathology, School of Stomatology, Jilin University,
Changchun 130021, Jilin, CHINA
【Abstract】 Experimental results demonstrate that radiation-induced autophagy, a major pathway, which is differ-
ent from apoptosis that leads to cells death, may lead to either death or survival. The role of autophagy in the antitumor
effect of radiotherapy and in radiation toxicity is still obscure. A series of research have proved that inducing and block-
ing autophagy directly interfers with cytotoxicity and effect of radiotherapy. Simultaneous autophagy and apoptosis dur-
ing radiotherapy seems to enhance the therapeutic effect. This review summarizes the up-to-date findings on the func-
tions of regulating autophagic response of cancer cells to radiotherapy.

      【Key words】 Autophagy; Radiotherapy; Induce; Cancer cells; Research; Progress
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