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      标题:腋-腋动脉人工血管旁路联合腔内修复术治疗复杂型Stanford B型主动脉夹层
      作者:陈 浩,曹建军,刘 伟,王宏宇,张光青,郑建设
    (湖北医药学院附属东风医院心胸大血管外科,湖北 十堰 442008)
      卷次: 2015年26卷21期
      【摘要】 目的 总结腋-腋动脉人工血管旁路联合腔内修复术治疗复杂型 Stanford B型主动脉夹层的经
。方法 2011年2月至2014年12月,16例复杂型Stanford B型主动脉夹层患者于手术室全麻下行腋-腋动脉
人工血管旁路术,转介入手术室经股动脉切口行主动脉腔内修复术治疗。结果 所有患者均手术成功,术毕造
后45 d猝死1例。术后3个月、1年复查主动脉CTA均示人工血管通畅、支架无移位和内漏,支架远端动脉瘤形成
1例。结论 腋-腋动脉人工血管旁路联合腔内修复术治疗复杂型Standford B型主动脉夹层效果满意,手术操作

      【关键词】 血管旁路;腔内修复术;Stanford B型夹层

      【中图分类号】 R654.2 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2015)21—3215—03

Axillary-axillary bypass grafting and endovascular repair therapy for complicated Stanford type B aortic

CHEN Hao, CAO Jian-jun, LIU Wei, WANG Hong-yu, ZHANG Guang-qing, ZHENG Jian-she. Department
of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Dongfeng General Hospital Affiliated to Hubei University of Medicine, Shiyan 442008, Hubei,

【Abstract】 Objective To summarize the present experience on axillary-axillary bypass grafting and endovas-
cular repair therapy for complicated Stanford type B aortic dissection. Methods From Feb. 2011 to Dec. 2014, 16 pa-
tients with complicated Stanford type B aortic dissection were all treated with axillary-axillary bypass grafting under
general anesthesia and then endovascular repair. Results All 16 patients were successfully operated. The crevasses
were perfectly closed. No endoleak was found. And the patency rate after reconstruction was 100%. No ertebrobasilar
insufficiency or left upper limb ischemia was found in patients. Three patients were found with upper limbs anaesthe-
sia which recovered 1~3 months after the surgery, and one patient was found with left pneumothorax. Of 14 patients
who were followed up for 1~30 months, with an average of (18.0±3.6) months), one died 45 days after the surgery.
The aortic CTA at 3 months and 12 months after surgery both showed good graft patency, no stent displacement and
no endoleak. However, distal aneurysm was found in one patient. Conclusion Axillary-axillary bypass grafting com-
bined with endovascular repair is a safe and effective treatment for complicated Stanford type B aortic dissection. It
can help reduce the risk of surgery, a brain complications, and also shorten the recovery time.

      【Key words】 Axillary-axillary bypass grafting; Endovascular repair; Stanford type B aortic dissection
