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      作者:尹 路 综述,邵义明 审校
    (广东医学院附属医院重症医学科,广东 湛江 524001)
      卷次: 2015年26卷18期
      【摘要】 尽管治疗脓毒症(Sepsis)的医疗技术快速发展,但是脓毒症患者病死率至今仍居高不下,脓毒症依

      【关键词】 脓毒症;急性肾损伤;标志物

      【中图分类号】 R631+.2 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2015)18—2731—03

Advance on biomarkers for the diagnosis of sepsis combined with acute kidney injury.

YIN Lu, SHAO Yi-ming.
Intensive Care Unit, the Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical University, Zhanjiang 524001, Guangdong, CHINA
【Abstract】 With the rapid development of medical technology, the fatality rate of patients with sepsis remains
high, and sepsis still constitutes one of the causes for the death of patients in Intensive Care Unit. When sepsis is com-
bined with acute kidney injury (AKI), the mortality rate of the patients can reach 67.3%, and the time of mechanical
ventilation is significantly prolonged, with the length of hospital stay significantly increased, the usage rate of renal re-
placement therapy significantly promoted, and hospitalization costs remarkably increased. Therefore, how to diagnose
sepsis combined with AKI early, effectively prevent AKI from developing into acute kidney failure, and decrease the
hospitalization costs and the clinical fatality rate of patients have become one of the important points in the clinical re-
search of Intensive Care Unit. However, the early diagnosis of sepsis combined with AKI still lacks corresponding ef-
fective diagnostic markers. This paper depicts the early diagnostic markers for sepsis combined with AKI.
