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      作者:黄 平,陈光元
    (深圳市松岗人民医院妇科,广东 深圳 518105)
      卷次: 2015年26卷7期
      【摘要】 目的 探讨宫腹腔镜联合方案和常规方案对宫角妊娠和输卵管间质部妊娠患者的临床诊疗效
。方法 将我院2009年1月至2013年12月期间收治的39例宫角妊娠和间质部妊娠患者按随机数字表法分为
患者的临床治疗效果。结果 观察组患者的治疗成功率为94.7% (18/19),而对照组为80.0% (16/20),差异有统计
优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 宫腹腔镜联合方案诊治宫角妊娠和输卵管间质部妊娠患者的

      【关键词】 宫腹腔镜;输卵管妊娠;间质部妊娠

      【中图分类号】 R714.22 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2015)07—1052—03

Clinical effect of laparoscopy combined with hysteroscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of cornual pregnancy
and interstitial tubal pregnancy.

HUANG Ping, CHEN Guang-yuan. Department of Gynaecology, Songgang People's
Hospital of Shenzhen, Shenzhen 518105, Guangdong, CHINA

【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the clinical effect of laparoscopy combined with hysteroscopy in the di-
agnosis and treatment of cornual pregnancy and interstitial tubal pregnancy patients. Methods Thrity-nine patients
of cornual pregnancy and interstitial tubal pregnancy admitted to our hospital from January 2009 to December 2013
were randomly divided into observation group (19 cases) and control group (20 cases). The observation group was
treated by laparoscopy combined with hysteroscopy, while the control group applied conventional therapy. The clinical
therapeutic effect of two groups was evaluated. Results The success rate was 94.7% (18/19) in the observation group
and 80% in the control group (16/20), with statistically significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05). The
observation group was significantly better than the control group in operation time, length of hospital stay, intraopera-
tive blood loss, incision length, postoperative analgesic time and menstrual recovery time, with statistically significant
differences (P<0.05). Conclusion The clinical therapeutic effect of laparoscopy combined with hysteroscopy for
treatment of corneal pregnancy and interstitial tubal pregnancy is better than conventional schemes, which is recom-
mended for clinical application.

      【Key words】 Laparoscopy; Tubal pregnancy; Interstitial tubal pregnancy
