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      作者:吴 奥 综述,杨顺良 审校
    (南京军区福州总医院泌尿外科,福建 福州 350000)
      卷次: 2014年25卷19期
      【摘要】 尿毒症是各种肾病终末期的转归,肾移植术是目前治疗尿毒症的最佳方案,但由于不同个体免疫

      【关键词】 肾移植;排斥反应;生物学标志物

      【中图分类号】 R692 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2014)19—2875—04

Biological markers of rejections in renal transplantation.

WU Ao, YANG Shun-liang. Departmeng of Urinary
Surgery, Fuzhou Gernal Hospital, Fuzhou 350000, Fujian, CHINA
【Abstract】 Uremia is the terminal outcome of all kinds of nephropathy. Renal transplantation is the best solu-
tion in the treatments of uremia. However, due to different individual immune histocompatibility, different types of re-
jection may occur after transplantation which would severely affect the life quality of recipients and the function of
transplant kidney. So, biological markers with high specificity and sensitivity are clinically called to indicate the risk
of rejections at early phase. In that case, physicians can change their treatments so as to protect transplants. In recent
years, more and more researches on this field have been carried out.
