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      作者:顾文超,李 勇,唐海丰,熊鹿言,李 芳
    (上海市普陀区疾病预防控制中心,上海 200333)
      卷次: 2014年25卷4期
      【摘要】 目的 了解2012年上海市普陀区生鲜食品中食源性致病菌的污染情况,提高对食源性疾病的有效
控制及其早期预警能力。方法 按照《食品微生物学检验》(GB4789-2010)和GFN项目的相关检验要求对5种食
源性致病菌进行检测。结果 2012年采集的 5类共 210份生鲜食品中生禽肉、生猪肉、生牛肉为主要受污染食
率为10.95%,单核细胞增生李斯特菌检出率为33.81%,小肠结肠炎耶尔森菌检出率为9.52%。结论 上海市普

      【关键词】 食品安全;生鲜食品;食源性致病菌;检出率

      【中图分类号】 R117 【文献标识码】 D 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2014)04—0595—04

Analysis of the monitoring results of food-borne pathogens in Putuo district, Shanghai in 2012.

GU Wen-chao,
LI Yong, TANG Hai-feng, XIONG Lu-yan, LI Fang. Shanghai Putuo District Center for Disease Control and Prevention,
Shanghai 200333, CHINA

【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the contamination of food-borne pathogens in fresh food in Putuo dis-
trict of Shanghai, and to improve capabilities for controlling and early warning of food-borne disease. Methods Five
kinds of food-borne pathogens were detected according to the Food microbiological examination (GB4789-2010) and
the requirement of Project GFN. Results A total of 210 samples were collected from 5 sorts of fresh food in 2012,
and the pathogens detection rates of contamination involved predominately were 71.43%, 64.29% and 61.90% in raw
