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      作者:姚津剑 1,于伟玲 2,何 平 1,黎 敏 1,孙定卫 1,许和平 1
    (1.海南省人民医院急诊中心,海南 海口 570311;
2.海口市人民医院肿瘤科,海南 海口 570208)
      卷次: 2013年24卷18期
      【摘要】 目的 荟萃分析血液灌流(Hemoperfusion,HP)治疗急性百草枯中毒的疗效。方法 以“百草枯”及
数据进行录入。结果 共检索到807篇文献,按提前拟定的条件对文献进行遴选,最终10篇文献纳入研究,总病
质性分析发现一项研究具有明显的异质性,剔除后9项研究无明显异质 I2=0.00% (P=0.976,χ2=4.96),应用固定效
(P=0.000,RR=2.314,CI95% 1.81~2.9)。结论 通过对同质性的文献进行荟萃分析,HP联合常规内科治疗较单纯

      【关键词】 百草枯;血液灌流;血液透析;荟萃分析

      【中图分类号】 R595 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2013)18—2772—03

Meta analysis on the value of the hemoperfusion therapy in acute paraquat poisoning.

YAO Jin-jian1, YU
Wei-ling 2, HE Ping 1, LI Min 1, SUN Ding-wei 1, XU He-ping 1. 1. Emergency Center, People's Hospital of Hainan
Province, Haikou 570311, Hainan, CHINA; 2. Department of Oncology, Haikou People's Hospital, Haikou 570208,
Hainan, CHINA

【Abstract】 Objective To elucidate the value of the hemoperfusion therapy in acute paraquat poisoning.
Methods Pubmed, CNKI, Wangfang and VIP database were searched for the articles with paraquat and hemoper-
fusion as the key words. The relevant articles were reviewed. Qualified articles included those based on conven-
tional medical treatment for the control group and hemoperfusion+conventional medical treatment for the study
group. Results A total of 807 studies were included according to established search strategy, of which 10 were final-
ly enrolled into the analysis, involving 690 subjects. In the study group, 145 of the 330 patients died, with the mortali-
ty rate of 43.9%. In the control group, 242 of the 360 patients died, with the mortality rate of 67.2%. One study was
eliminated for its heterogeneity, and the rest 9 studies showed no heterogeneity (I2 =0.00%, P=0.976, χ2=4.96). A fixed
effect meta-analysis was used to analyze the difference in prognosis. Results showed that hemoperfusion+convention-
al medical treatment significantly improved the survival rate of acute paraquat poisoning (P<0.001, RR=2.314, 95%CI
1.81~2.9). Conclusion Hemoperfusion combined with conventional medical treatment could improve the prognosis
and increase the survival rate for the patients with acute paraquat poisoning.

      【Key words】 Paraquat; Hemoperfusion; Hemodialysis; Meta analysis
