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      作者:张惠清,王 萍,张祥辛,张丽芳,周明生,宋静波,杨 忠
    (常熟市第三人民医院精神科,江苏 常熟 215501)
      卷次: 2013年24卷15期
      【摘要】 目的 评估常熟市重性精神患者社区综合干预效果。方法 通过比较干预前后 200名重性精
结果 社区综合干预后重性精神患者病情稳定(包括基本稳定)率由79.7%上升至94.4%,重性精神患者规律服
药率由干预前的 75.7%上升至 87.0%,进行社区综合干预后重性精神病患者肇事肇祸危险性有下降趋势,应用

      【关键词】 精神病;社区防治;社会功能;干预效果

      【中图分类号】 R749.05 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2013)15—2236—03

Effect of community comprehensive intervention for heavy psychiatric patients in Changshu.

ZHANG Hui-qing,
WANG Ping, ZHANG Xiang-xin, ZHANG Li-fang, ZHOU Ming-sheng, SONG Jing-bo, YANG Zhong. Department of
Psychiatry, the Third People's Hospital of Changshu, Changshu 215501, Jiangsu, CHINA

【Abstract】 Objective To assess the effect of community comprehensive intervention for heavy psychiatric
patients in Changshu. Methods The effect of community comprehensive intervention before and after intervention
was comprehensively assessed through comparing the disease control, accident risk, medical compliance, rehabilita-
tion status and social functions. Results After the community comprehensive intervention, the proportion of stable
patients (including basic stable patients) rose to 94.4% from 78.0% , the rate of medical compliance rose to 87.6%
from 74.0%, the accident risk has a downward trend, the rehabilitation status and social functions analyzed by Morn-
ingside Rehabilitation Status Scale (MRSS) and Social Disability Screening Schedule (SDSS) has significantly im-
proved. Conclusion For heavy psychiatric patients, community comprehensive intervention results in a significantly
improvement in the disease control, accident risk reduction, medical compliance improvement, as well as rehabilita-
tion status and social functions.

      【Key words】 Psychiatric patients; Community prevention and cure; Social functions; Intervention effect
