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      作者:韩珍华 1,王 瑞 1,吕万勇 2
    (1.南京红十字医院内分泌门诊,江苏 南京 210001;
2.南京农业大学食品学院,南京 江苏 210095)
      卷次: 2013年24卷12期
      【摘要】 目的 了解糖尿病患者主食的粗杂粮摄入情况及其对糖尿病营养知识的认识。方法 随机选择
摄入情况,对粗杂粮的摄入与血糖关系的认识以及其所期望获得的糖尿病营养教育的内容。结果 三餐主食摄
的人偶尔吃粗杂粮,21.6%的人每天只吃一次,而1.9%的患者基本不吃。结论 营养教育需遵循个体化的原则,

      【关键词】 糖尿病;粗杂粮;膳食纤维;营养教育

      【中图分类号】 R587.1 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2013)12—1842—03

Investigation of intake of coarse grains in diabetic patients' nutrition education.

HAN Zhen-hua 1, WANG Rui 1,
LV Wan-yong 2. 1. Endocrinology Clinic, Nanjing Red Cross Hospital, Nanjing, 210001, Jiangsu, CHINA; 2. College of
Food Science and Technology, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, Jiangsu, CHINA

【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the intake of coarse grains in diabetic patients and their knowledge of
diabetes. Methods One hundred and four patients with diabetes in the clinic from Jan. to Mar. 2012 were enrolled in
this study. Everyone was asked to fulfill a questionnaire, and one hundred results were obtained. The intake of coarse
grains, the patients' knowledge regarding the correlation between intake of coarse grain and blood sugar, nutrition edu-
cation of diabetes were investigated. Results There were a few people who have the grains for three meals. Forty per-
sons took steamed bread and 14 had rice made by coarse grain. The number was only 10 and 2 in lunch and dinner, re-
spectively. In this study, 40 patients thought that meals with some coarse grains may reduce the occurrence of postpran-
dial hyperglycemia. Of the patients, 76.5% took coarse grains occasionally, 21.6% took coarse grains once a day, and
the other 1.9% never had coarse grains. Conclusion The nutrition education should be administered individually to
help most patients with diabetes to intake coarse grains correctly, constantly and consistently, in order to maintain
steady blood sugar levels.

      【Key words】 Diabetes; Coarse grain; Dietary fiber; Nutrition education
