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      标题:开展QC小组活动 加强急诊运送工具管理
      作者:许少辉,庄小静,吴 伟,王莉莉,黄思源
    (海南省人民医院急救中心,海南 海口 570311)
      卷次: 2013年24卷11期
      【摘要】 目的 加强急诊运送工具标识管理,确保护理安全。方法 采用QC小组干预程序,即选择课题、
预,比较改善前后的效果。结果 干预后急诊护理人员对急诊运送工具使用不满意度由改善前的 59.9%降至
6.0%,丢失率由改善前的65.2%降到17.4%。结论 通过开展QC小组干预进一步加强急诊运送工具的管理,选

      【关键词】 QC小组;运送工具;标识

      【中图分类号】 R472.2 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2013)11—1714—03

Management of emergency carrying tools by QC group activities.

XU Shao-hui, ZHUANG Xiao-jing, WU Wei,
WANG Li-li, HUANG Si-yuan. Emergency Center, Hainan Provincial People's Hospital, Haikou 570311, Hainan, CHINA

【Abstract】 Objective To strengthen management of emergency carrying tools and insure nursing safety.
Methods The emergency carrying tools were managed and intervened by QC Group Activities, including status in-
vestigation, setting goals, analyzing reason, carrying out countermeasures, evaluating results, making farther strength-
ening measure, comparing improvement effect. Results The dissatisfaction ratio of nursing staff for using emergen-
cy carrying tools had dropped from 59.9% (before QC Group Activities) to 6.0% (after QC Group Activities), and the
lost ratio of emergency carrying tools had dropped from 65.2% to 17.4%. Conclusion QC Group Activities can im-
prove the management of emergency carrying tools, and prevent effectively nursing related patient safety events,
which helps maintain the order of emergency nursing.

      【Key words】 QC group; Emergency carrying tools; Mark
