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      作者:赵保国 1,雷晓星 2,杨 梅 4,杨 帆 1,魏立杰 3
    (1.北京市西城区展览路社区卫生服务中心精神科、,北京 100037;
2.北京市西城区平安医院精神科,北京 100037;
3.邢台市第三医院CT室,河北 邢台 054001
4.北京市西城区展览路社区卫生服务中心全科 4,北京 100037)
      卷次: 2013年24卷8期
      【摘要】 目的 探讨心理社会因素对社区精神障碍患者家庭负担的影响。方法 选择2010-2011年在我社
各心理社会因素与患者家庭负担的相关性。结果 社区精神障碍患者家庭经济负担、家庭日常活动负担、家庭
关(P<0.05),与消极应对呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。结论 对精神障碍的负面体验与看法等心理社会因素加重社区

      【关键词】 心理社会因素;精神障碍患者;家庭负担

      【中图分类号】 R749 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2013)08—1148—04

Influence of the psychosocial factors on the family burden of psychotic patients in community.

ZHAO Bao-guo 1,
LEI Xiao-xing 2, YANG Mei 3, YANG Fan 1, WEI LI- jie 4. 1. Department of Psychiatry, the Community Health Service
Center of Zhanlan Road, Xicheng District of Beijing City, Beijing 100037, CHINA; 2. Department of Psychiatry, the
Pingan Hospital in Xicheng District of Beijing City, Beijing 100037, CHINA; 3. CT Rom, the Third Hospital of Xingtai
City, Xingtai 054001, Hebei, CHINA; 4. Department of Medicine, the Community Health Service Center of Zhanlan Road,
Xicheng District of Beijing City, Beijing 100037, CHINA

【Abstract】 Objective To explore the influence of the psychosocial factors on the family burden of psychot-
ic patients in community. Methods The family members and their caregivers of 150 psychotic patients in our hospi-
tal from 2010 to 2011 were selected as research subjects. The economic burden of the family, burden of daily life, en-
tertainment, relationship and family mental health were evaluated by self-designed questionnaire, SSRS, FIS, and sim-
ple coping scale. The SPSS17.0 software was used to analyze the social psychological factors and burden of the fami-
ly. Results The FIS scores of economic burden, the daily of daily life, relationship, entertainment, the physical
health and psychological health burden were (2.37± 0.50), (2.12 ±0.528), (2.09 ±0.54), (2± 0.535), (2.05 ±0.705) and
(2.04±0.695), respectively. There was significantly negative correlation between the active coping, the master degree
of psychiatric knowledge and the rehabilitation knowledge and the family burden (P<0.05). There was significantly
positive correlation between the negative active coping and the family burden (P<0.05). Conclusion The psychoso-
cial factors of the mental illness (negative experience and perception) could aggravate the family burden of psychiatric
patients. The positive and optimistic attitude may be beneficial in reducing the burden of the family.

      【Key words】 Psychosocial factors; Psychiatric patients; Family burden
