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      作者:罗 鑫,肖 路,刘姝华,刘利君
    (重庆市巴南区人民医院医院感染管理科,重庆 401320)
      卷次: 2013年24卷5期
      【摘要】 目的 摸清我院死亡患者死因构成及变化,掌握死亡报告中存在的问题,促进监测及防控工作更
加科学、规范。方法 回归性分析2010-2011年死亡报告的资料,并通过自查门诊日志和住院病历统计并比较迟
报率、漏报率及编码错误率等。利用Excel 2003、SPSS17.0软件汇总及分析数据,不同层次间的比较经统计学检
。结果 2010-2011年全院共报告死亡病例648例。死亡报告居前三位的死因分别是恶性肿瘤、心脏病、损伤
误的死亡病例。结论 各年龄组的死因构成不同,但是慢性非传染性疾病已经成为危害居民健康的主要疾病,

      【关键词】 重庆;死因;报告质量

      【中图分类号】 R339.3+9 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2013)05—0752—03

Analysis on the cause of death in People's Hospital of Chongqing Ba'nan from 2010 to 2011.

LIU Shu-hua, LIU Li-jun. Department of Hospital Infection Control, People's Hospital of Chongqing Ba'nan, Chongqing
401320, CHINA

【Abstract】 Objective To study the structure and change of the cause of patients' death in our hospital, and to
grasp the problems existing in the death report, so as to promote the monitoring and prevention work more scientific
and standardized. Methods The death reports in 2010-2011 were analyzed retrospectively. The rate of delayed re-
port, rate of missing report, and rate of coding error were collected and compared by self-examining outpatient service
log and hospitalization medical records. Excel 2003 and SPSS 17.0 were used for processing data, and the different
levels were compared by statistical method. Result Six hundred and forty-eight death cases were reported in
2010-2011. Malignant tumor, heart disease, injury and poisoning were major cause of death, accounting for 25.15%,
25.00% and 17.28%, respectively. The rate of delayed report and rate of missing report were 2.78%, 1.23%, respective-
ly, with no coding error. Conclusion Patients of different age group have varied constitution in the cause of death.
We should strengthen the prevention and intervention of chronic non-communicable diseases, which have become the
main disease to harm residents' health. By establishing and improving various institutions, as well as enhancing the re-
porting consciousness, the quality of death reporting in the hospital would improve.

      【Key words】 Chongqing; Cause of death; Quality of report
