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      作者:王其琳 1,郑军华 1,侯冷晨 1,费鸿翔 1,王晚晴 2
    (1.上海同济大学附属第十人民医院医务处,上海 200072;
2.靖江市人民医院,江苏 靖江 214500)
      卷次: 2016年27卷6期
      【摘要】 目的 分析我院数字化建院中开展的自助机服务运行现状,找出改进服务流程的方式和方法,提高自助
机的使用率,降低非诊疗时间,增强患者就诊满意度,为开展同类创新管理业务的医院提供参考和对照。方法 收集
用两种方式就诊的患者在年龄、退号率、缴费率等方面的差异。结果 自助机的退号率只有1.46% (2 796/190 976),远
低于窗口12.37% (52 497/424 459)的退号率,但是平均年龄偏高(58.45岁)。利用自助机缴费的就诊者比例偏低,只
有2.21% (13 623/615 435),持有医保卡的患者占了自助机使用者的多数,达到95.73% (601 812/615 435),高出窗口
挂号的医保比例22.12%,不同时间段两者的挂号趋势一致。结论 只有加强实时监控,降低故障发生率,优化自助

      【关键词】 医院;自助机;数字化;体会

      【中图分类号】 R197.324 【文献标识码】 C 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2016)06—1017—03

Experience and reflection on digital one-stop self-service machine in a large general tertiary hospital.

Qi-lin 1, ZHENG Jun-hua 1, HOU Leng-chen 1, FEI Hong-xiang 1, WANG Wan-qing 2. 1. Department of Medical Affairs,
Shanghai Tenth People's Hospital, Tenth People's Hospital of Tongji University, Shanghai 200072, CHINA; 2. People's
Hospital of Jingjiang, Jingjiang 214500, Jiangsu, CHINA

【Abstract】 Objective To analyze the operation status of digital one-stop self-service machine in our hospital,
and to find out the ways and methods of improving self-service process, so as to improve the use rate of self-service ma-
chine, reduce the non-treatment time in the treatment process, enhance patient satisfaction, and provide reference and
control to carry out similar management business innovation of the hospital. Methods The registration information in
the fourth quarter of 2014 were collected and retrospectively analyzed, with the registration information for patients who
do not use self-service machines remove. Statistical software SPSS18.0 was used to analyze the differences in age, rate
of return, payment rate and other aspects of the use of the two methods of treatment. Results The withdrawal rate of
the self-service machine was only 1.46% (2 796/190 976), significantly lower than 12.37% (52 497/424 459) of the win-
dow, but the average age of the self-service machine was high (58.45 years old) and the proportion of patients who use
the self-service machine is low [only 2.21% (13 623/615 435)]. The majority of the self-service machine users were the
patients with medical insurance card, accounting for 95.73% (601 812/615 435), which was 22.12% higher than that of
the window. The registration trends of the two different time periods are consistent. Conclusion To make the self-ser-
vice machine better serve the patients, we should strengthen the real-time monitoring, reduce the failure rate, optimize
the internal and external layout, help patients quickly locate the choice, improve the payment process, and increase or de-
crease volunteers based on different time periods.

      【Key words】 Hospital; Self-service machine; Digital; Experience
