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    (中国人民解放军总医院肿瘤内科三病区,北京 100853)
      卷次: 2012年23卷19期
      【摘要】 目的 比较中日两国肿瘤专科注册护士培训制度的差异性。方法 检索中英文专业数据库及官方
网站有关中日两国肿瘤专科注册护士培训的相关资料,并进行归纳分析。结果 中国肿瘤专科注册护士的培训目
结论 我国的肿瘤专科注册护士培训刚刚起步,还需要不断完善和发展。

      【关键词】 肿瘤专科护士;教育

      【中图分类号】 R473.73 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2012)19—142—04<

br>The current situation of oncology certified nurse specialists system between China and Japan.

JI Tie-feng. Third
Division, Department of Oncology Medicine, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, CHINA

【Abstract】 Objective To compare the differences between China and Japan in oncology certified nurse spe-
cialists system. Methods To search the data of oncology certified nurse specialists in Chinese and English profes-
sional medical library and government website of China and Japan, and thenanalyze the above data. Results The aim
of Chinese oncology certified nurse specialists system was to train the well-skilled oncology nurses. Compared to Ja-
pan, in China, the certification standard of Certified Nurse Specialists was lower, the length of training was shorter,
and there was no authorized organization to be responsible for oncology nurse specialists certification. However, there
were our own characteristics in the education program. Conclusion It is just a beginning for us in oncology nurse
specialists certification, and needs to promote the system progress and development.

      【Key words】 Oncology Certified Nurse Specialists(OCNS); Education; China; Japan
