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      作者:陈 映
    (琼海市人民医院检验科,海南 琼海 571400)
      卷次: 2012年23卷8期
      【摘要】 目的 了解泌尿生殖道患者支原体感染的情况和支原体阳性病例对抗生素的敏感性,为临床合理
用药提供依据。方法 采用由珠海浪峰生物科技有限公司提供的培养药敏一体化试剂对345例疑似泌尿生殖道
患者进行支原体培养和药敏试验。结果 345例患者中,支原体阳性例数为 176例(51.0%),Uu阳性为 134例
力霉素、美满霉素、交沙霉素具有较高的敏感性。结论 泌尿生殖道患者中,支原体感染以Uu为主,其次是Uu和

      【关键词】 解脲支原体;人型支原体;药物敏感实验

      【中图分类号】 R518.9 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2012)08—097—03<

br>Mycoplasma infection in urogenital tract and drug sensitivity analysis (the report of 176 cases ).

CHEN Ying. De-
partment of Laboratory, People's Hospital of Qionghai City, Qionghai 571400, Hainan, CHINA

【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the urogenital mycoplasma infections in patients with mycoplasma-pos-
itive cases and the sensitivity to antibiotics, and to provide basis for the clinical use of drugs. Methods The samples
from 345 cases out-patients suspected infection with mycoplasma in urogenital mycoplasma were cultivated, and
sensitivity to antibiotics was tested. Results Among 340 patients, the number of mycoplasma-positive patients
were 176 (51.0%), Uu positive in 134 cases (38.8%); Mh positive in 9 cases (2.6%); Uu and Mh mixed infections in
33 cases (9.6%). Three types of mycoplasma infection all highly sensitive to doxycycline, minocycline, josamycin.
Conclusion The main type of urogenital tract mycoplasma infection is Uu, followed by a mixture of Uu and Mh infec-
tion, and finally Mh infection. Clinicians should be based on the results of drug sensitivity to choose reasonable antibiotics.

      【Key words】 Ureaplasma urealyticum;Mycoplasma hominis;Drug sensitivity test
