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    (海南省人民医院儿科,海南 海口 570102)
      卷次: 2016年27卷4期
      【摘要】 目的 了解海口市儿童哮喘常见变应原状况。方法 2012年9~12月本研究采取整群抽样的流行病
学方法调查海口市0~14岁儿童10 241名,确诊哮喘患儿324例,对所有哮喘患儿进行过敏史问卷调查及皮肤点刺
试验和血清过敏原特异性 IgE (SIgE)抗体检测。结果 324例哮喘患儿中 224例(69.1%)过敏史阳性,其中湿疹 91
敏13例(4.0%),油烟过敏11例(3.4%),花粉过敏9例(2.8%)。皮肤点刺阳性率为83.0% (269例),其中屋尘螨及粉尘
螨阳性率分别为90.1% (292例)及89.2% (289例),热带螨为85.5% (277例),蟑螂19.6% (64例),霉菌3.4% (11例),花
粉3.4% (11例),猫毛11.7% (38例),狗毛25.3% (82例)。吸入性过敏原 IgE阳性率为72.2% (235例),以尘螨为最高
(69.8%,226例);食入性过敏原 IgE阳性率为 28.7% (93例),牛奶占 25.3% (82例),鸡蛋白占 9.9% (32例),虾蟹占
22.8% (74例),热带水果占9.0% (24例),鱼占8.3% (27例)。不同年龄组哮喘患儿吸入性过敏原特异性 IgE阳性率比
于0~3岁组(P<0.05)。结论 海口市儿童哮喘常见变应原以屋尘螨、粉尘螨和热带螨为主,狗毛、蟑螂及猫毛比例

      【关键词】 海口;儿童;哮喘;变应原;流行病学

      【中图分类号】 R725.6 【文献标识码】 D 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2016)04—0665—03

Prevalence of common allergens among asthmatic children in Haikou.

WANG Ling, CHEN Shi, LIAO feng, ZENG
Xia, WU Shao-jiao, XIE Yue-qi, LIN Tao, LIN Xia, CHEN Bing. Department of Pediatrics, the People's Hospital of Hainan
Province, Haikou 570102, Hainan, CHINA

【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the prevalence of allergens in asthmatic children in Haikou. Methods A
total of 10 241 children of 0~14 years old were involved and investigated by cluster sampling, in which 324 children
were diagnosed as asthma. Allergic sensitization was studied with questionnaire, skin prick tests and specific IgE mea-
surements. Results Among the 324 asthmatic children, 224 (69.1%) had allergy history, including 91 cases (28%) of ec-
zema, 64 cases (19.8%) of food allergy, 28 cases (8.6%) of drug allergy, 18 cases (5.6%) of cigarette smoke allergy, 19
cases (5.9%) of decoration smell allergy, 13 cases (4.0%) of pet allergy, 11 cases (3.4%) of cooking oil smell allergy, and
9 cases (2.8%) of pollen allergy. A total of 269 asthmatic children (83.0%) showed SPT positive reaction, with 292 cases
(90.1%) of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Der p), 289 cases (89.2%) of Dermatophagoides farina (Der f), 277 cases
(85.5%) of Blomia tropicalis (Blo t), 64 cases (19.6%) of cockroach, 11 cases (3.4%) of mould, 11 cases (3.4%) of pol-
len, 38 cases (11.7%) of cat dander, and 82 cases (25.3%) of dog dander. The specific IgE-positive rate to inhaled aller-
gens was 72.2% (235 cases), with 69.8% (226 cases) to mites, which was the highest. The specific IgE-positive rate to
food allergens was 28.7% (93 cases), with 25.3% (82 cases) to milk, 9.9% (32 cases) to egg white, 22.8% (74 cases) to
crab and shrimp, 9.0% (24 cases) to tropical fruit, and 8.3% (27 cases) to fish. Comparison of inhaled allergen specific
IgE-positive rate between different age groups showed that, the positive rate to dust mites, cockroach was significantly
higher in 3~7 years old group than 0~3 years old group old, and the positive rate to dust mites, cockroach, dog dander,
cat dander was higher in 7~14 years old group than 0~3 years old group. Conclusion House dust mites and Blomia
tropicalis are the major allergen sources among asthmatic children in Haikou. Dog dander, cat dander and cockroach are
also important allergens. The influence of food allergy on asthma cannot be ignored in this region, especially milk, egg,
sea food and tropical fruit.

      【Key words】 Haikou; Children; Asthma; Allergen; Prevalence
