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      作者:王秀林,彭亚利,彭 庆
    (深圳市第二人民医院肾内科,广东 深圳 518035)
      卷次: 2012年23卷5期
      【摘要】 目的 了解血透室护理人员工作压力的主要来源,帮助血透室护理人员正确面对工作压力,继而
设法缓解或消除工作压力源,以维护血透室护理人员的身心健康、提高护理工作质量。方法 依据护士压力源
量表,对本市某些医院血透室护士进行工作压力问卷调查。结果 血透室护士的工作压力源由高至低依次为:
题、护理专业及工作方面的问题。结论 工作压力是影响血透室护士身心健康的重要因素,良好的应对方式可

      【关键词】 血透室;护理人员;工作压力;对策

      【中图分类号】 R47 【文献标识码】 B 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2012)05—154—03<

br>Analysis on the sources of working stress of nursing staff in hemodialysis unit and the countermeasures.

Xiu-ling, PENG Ya-li, PENG Qing. Department of Nephrology, the second People’s Hospital of Shenzhen City, Shenzhen
518035, Guangdong, CHINA

【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the main sources of working stress of nursing staff in hemodialysis
unit, in order to help the nursing staff in hemodialysis unit understand working stress correctly, reduce or eliminate
working stress and thus improve the work efficiency and quality of care. Methods Nursing staff in hemodialysis
unit of some hospitals in Shenzhen city were surveyed according to scale of working stress sources of nursing staff.
Results The main sources of working stress of nursing staff in hemodialysis unit were as follows in descending or-
der: work environment and interpersonal problems, management and resources issues, workload and time allocation is-
sues, patient care issues, and nursing profession and work issues. Conclusion Working stress is an important factor that
affects the physical and mental health of nurses in hemodialysis unit. Administrators should concern the harm of working
stress to physical and mental health of nurses in hemodialysis unit and take corresponding measures to help reduce or
eliminate the working stress of nurses in hemodialysis unit so as to improve work efficiency and quality of care.

      【Key words】 Hemodialysis unit; Nursing staff; Working stress; Countermeasures
