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      作者:王莹,韦雅雪,郁德波,林德乐,赵雨声 综述 林举达 审校    广东医科大学湛江校区,广东 湛江 524000
      卷次: 2021年32卷16期
      【摘要】 多种神经精神疾病与钾离子通道改变相关。三磷酸腺苷结合盒C亚家族9成员(ABCC9)基因编码的磺酰脲2受体(SUR2)是三磷酸腺苷敏感的钾离子通道(KATP)通道的重要组分,调节KATP通道的活性,参与KATP通道将细胞代谢状态与膜兴奋性耦合,从而调节神经细胞兴奋性、神经发育、神经递质的释放、神经保护,影响神经精神疾病的发生和发展过程。
      【关键词】 三磷酸腺苷结合盒C亚家族9成员;磺酰脲2受体;三磷酸腺苷敏感的钾离子通道;神经兴奋;神经发育;神经递质;神经精神疾病
      【中图分类号】 R74 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2021)16—2140—05

Correlation between ABCC9 gene and neuropsychiatric diseases.

WANG Ying, WEI Ya-xue, YU De-bo, LI De-le,ZHAO Yu-sheng, LIN Ju-da. Guangdong Medical University, Zhanjiang 524000, Guangdong, CHINA【Abstract】 A variety of neuropsychiatric diseases are associated with potassium channels. The sulfonylurea re-ceptor 2 (SUR2) encoded by ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C member 9 (ABCC9) gene is an important component ofATP-sensitive potassium channel (KATP). As the regulatory component, SUR2 participates in KATP channel to couplethe cell metabolic state and membrane excitability, thereby regulating nerve cell excitability, neurodevelopment, neu-rotransmitter release, and nerve protection, affecting the occurrence and development of neuropsychiatric diseases.
      【Key words】 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C member 9 (ABCC9); Sulfonylurea receptor 2 (SUR2); ATP-sen-sitive potassium channel (KATP); Neuroexcitability; Neurodevelopment; Neurotransmitter; Neuropsychiatric disease·综述·doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-6350.2021.16.029
