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      作者:谭晓勇 1,冯春念 2,幸勇 1,牟必鸿 1 综述 冯甜华 1,张辉 1,罗茂 3 审校    1.宣汉县人民医院药学部,四川 达州 636150;2.宣汉县人民医院检验科,四川 达州 636150;3.西南医科大学药物研究中心,四川 泸州 646000
      卷次: 2021年32卷16期
      【摘要】 妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)是指孕妇妊娠中、晚期发生的葡萄糖不耐受。GDM可导致母亲和后代短期或长期并发症。因此,早日诊断和治疗GDM对于避免不良妊娠结局具有重要意义,寻找潜在的具有诊断和治疗效果评估价值的新临床标记物已迫在眉睫;长链非编码RNA (lncRNAs)作为一类具有特定生物学功能的非编码RNA(ncRNAs),起初 lncRNAs被认为是基因转录的“噪音”,而随着microRNA、shSNA、siRNA等非编码RNA分子作用的逐步揭示,研究者们开始重新关注非编码RNA的生物学功能。越来越多的研究表明,lncRNAs能以RNA的形式通过表观遗传、转录以及转录后水平调控基因的表达,参与调控心血管疾病、肿瘤、泌尿系统疾病和代谢性疾病等多种生命体疾病的发生发展过程。本研究简单介绍了 lncRNAs生物学特征,阐明了 lncRNAs与糖尿病的关系,详细综述了 lncRNAs在GDM中的研究进展,展望了 lncRNAs未来成为研发诊断和治疗GDM的新试剂、新药物分子靶点的可能。
      【关键词】 妊娠期糖尿病;长链非编码RNA;糖尿病;生物标记物;研究进展
      【中图分类号】 R714.256 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2021)16—2134—06

Research progress of long non-coding RNA in gestational diabetes mellitus.

TAN Xiao-yong 1, FENG Chun-nian 2,XING Yong 1, MOU Bi-hong 1, FENG Tian-hua 1, ZHANG Hui 1, LUO Mao 3. 1. Department of Pharmacy, Xuanhan People’sHospital, Dazhou 636150, Sichuan, CHINA; 2. Department of Clinical Laboratory, Xuanhan People’s Hospital, Dazhou636150, Sichuan, CHINA; 3. Drug Discovery Research Center, Southwest Medical University, Luzhou 646000, Sichuan,CHINA【Abstract】 Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) refers to glucose intolerance in the second and third trimester ofpregnancy. GDM can lead to short-term or long-term complications of mothers and offspring. Therefore, early diagnosisand treatment of GDM is of great significance to avoid adverse pregnancy outcomes. It is urgent to find new markerswith potential diagnostic and therapeutic value. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are a class of non-coding RNAs(ncRNAs) with specific functions. Originally, lncRNAs were considered as the“noise”of gene transcription. With thegradual discovery of the role of non-coding RNA molecules such as microRNA, shSNA and siRNA, researchers beganto pay more attention to the biological function of non-coding RNA. More and more studies have shown that lncRNAscan regulate gene expression at epigenetic, transcriptional and post transcriptional levels in the form of RNA, and partici-pate in the occurrence and development of cardiovascular disease, urinary system disease, tumor and metabolic disease.This study briefly introduces the biological characteristics of lncRNAs, clarifies the relationship between lncRNAs anddiabetes mellitus, reviews in detail the research progress of lncRNAs in GDM, and prospects the possibility of lncRNAsbecoming a new reagent and new drug molecular target for diagnosis and treatment of GDM in the future.
      【Key words】 Gestational diabetes mellitus; lncRNAs; Diabetes mellitus; Biomarkers; Research progress·综述·doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-6350.2021.16.028基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号:81800434);四川省卫生健康委员会科研课题(编号:20PJ313)
