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      作者:曾宾,王忠良,张宇达,肖维茹    梅州市中心血站,广东 梅州 514011
      卷次: 2021年32卷13期
      【摘要】 目的 研究不同浓度枸橼酸钠对机采血小板献血者血清Ca2+的干扰情况。方法 选择梅州中心血站2018年3~5月期间男女各100例机采血小板献血者为研究对象,测定血清Ca2+浓度和机采血小板采集前后血清Ca2+浓度,计算枸橼酸钠对 Ca2+浓度干扰率,采用 Pearson相关分析法分析枸橼酸钠浓度与血清 Ca2+干扰率的关系,分析献血者体质量、性别、枸橼酸钠与血清 Ca2+干扰率的关系,并分析其与献血者枸橼酸钠中毒率的关系。结果 Person相关分析显示,血清加入枸橼酸钠的浓度与血清游离Ca2+的干扰率呈正相关性(P<0.05);男性献血者体质量 55~59 kg组枸橼酸钠中毒率为 21.4% (8/28),明显高于 60~75 kg组的 6.9% (5/72),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);女性献血者体质量 50~54 kg组枸橼酸钠中毒率为 95.8% (23/24),明显高于 55~65 kg组的 31.6%(24/76),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);不同Ca2+浓度干扰率范围时枸橼酸钠中毒率比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),其中以干扰率为0.52~0.70的女性献血者中毒比例最高(100%,10/10);不同体质量范围的男性、女性献血者枸橼酸钠中毒率比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),其中以体质量在50~54 kg范围的女性献血者枸橼酸钠中毒比例最高(95.8%,23/24)。结论 枸橼酸钠对血清Ca2+的干扰率为0.52~0.70,并且体质量50~54 kg的女性机采血小板献血者易出现枸橼酸钠中毒反应。
      【关键词】 机采血小板;枸橼酸钠;血清Ca2+;献血者;枸橼酸钠中毒
      【中图分类号】 R457.1 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2021)13—1728—03

Interference of the sodium citrate concentrations in apheresis platelet on serum Ca2+ of blood donors.

ZENG Bin,WANG Zhong-liang, ZHANG Yu-da, XIAO Wei-ru. Meizhou Central Blood Station, Meizhou 514011, Guangdong, CHINA
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the interference of different concentrations of sodium citrate on serumCa2+ in apheresis platelet donors. Methods From March to May 2018, 100 male and 100 female apheresis platelet do-nors from Meizhou Central Blood Station were selected as the research objects. The serum Ca2+ concentration and the se-rum Ca2+ concentration before and after apheresis platelet collection were measured, and the interference rate of sodiumcitrate on Ca2+ concentration was calculated. Pearson correlation analysis method was used to analyze the relationship be-tween the sodium citrate concentration and the interference rate of serum Ca2 +, and to analyze the relationship betweenthe body weight, gender, sodium citrate of blood donors and the interference rate of serum Ca2+, and to analyze their rela-tionship with the rate of sodium citrate intoxication in blood donors. Results Pearson correlation analysis showed thatthe concentration of sodium citrate added to serum was positively correlated with the interference rate of serum free Ca2+(P<0.05). The sodium citrate intoxication rate of male blood donors was 21.4% (8/28) in the group with body weight of55-59 kg, which was significantly higher than that of 6.9% (5/72) in the 60-75 kg group (P<0.05); and the sodium ci-trate intoxication rate of female blood donation was 95.8% (23/24) in the group with body weight of 55-54 kg, whichwas significantly higher than 31.6% (24/76) in the 55-65 kg group (P<0.05). At different interference rate of Ca2+ concen-tration, there were statistically significant differences in the rate of sodium citrate intoxication (P<0.05); among them, fe-male blood donors with an interference rate of 0.52-0.70 had the highest rate of poisoning (100%, 10/10). There werestatistically significant differences in the rate of sodium citrate intoxication between male and female donors with differ-ent body weight (P<0.05); among them, female blood donors with body weight of 50-54 kg had the highest rate of sodi-um citrate intoxication (95.8%, 23/24). Conclusion With the interference rate of serum Ca2 + was 0.52-0.70, femaleapheresis platelet donors with body weight of 50-54 kg are prone to sodium citrate intoxication.
      【Key words】 Apheresis platelet; Sodium citrate; Serum Ca2+; Blood donor; Sodium citrate intoxication·短篇论著·doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-6350.2021.13.028
