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      作者:张译,王冲 综述 刘靖雷 审校    永城市中心医院儿科,河南 永城 476600
      卷次: 2020年31卷17期
      【摘要】 支气管哮喘是儿童常见的慢性呼吸道疾病,患病率日益增加,对患儿身体健康和生活质量产生严重威胁。1,25-(OH)2D3是人体内维生素D重要的活性代谢产物,不仅调控钙磷平衡和骨代谢,同时在支气管哮喘的发病中也发挥着重要调节作用。研究推测,维生素D水平不足或缺乏可能与哮喘发生密切相关,同时影响哮喘患儿的肺通气功能,提高维生素D水平对肺功能改善有帮助。基于此,本文把哮喘患者纳入观察对象,对现有国内外文献关于哮喘儿童血清维生素D水平与肺功能的相关性研究进行综述分析,总结既有文献取得的研究成果,并指出研究不足,为更深入研究和分析奠定基础,并为临床辅助治疗提供新思路。对哮喘患者进行治疗时,维生素D不足或缺乏应引起关注,予以维生素D补充,有望成为治疗哮喘的重要辅助方法之一。
      【关键词】 儿童;支气管哮喘;维生素D;肺功能;研究;进展
      【中图分类号】 R725.6 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2020)17—2265—04

Research progress on the correlation between serum vitamin D level and lung function in children with bronchialasthma.

ZHANG Yi, WANG Chong, LIU Jing-lei. Department of Pediatrics, Central Hospital of Yongcheng, Yongcheng476600, Henan, CHINA【Abstract】 Bronchial asthma is a common chronic respiratory disease in children, and the prevalence of asthmais increasing, which poses a serious threat to children's health and quality of life. 1,25-(OH)2D3 is an important active me-tabolite of vitamin D in human body, which not only regulates calcium and phosphorus balance and bone metabolism,but also plays an important regulatory role in the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma. Research speculates that inadequateor deficient level of vitamin D may be closely related to the development of asthma, and at the same time affect the lungventilation function of children with asthma. Increasing vitamin D level may help improve lung function. Based on this,this article includes children with asthma as the observation subjects, reviews and analyzes the existing domestic and for-eign literature on the correlation between serum vitamin D level and lung function in children with asthma. It summariz-es the research results obtained from the existing literatures and points out the shortcomings of research, which lays afoundation for further research and analysis, and provides new ideas for clinical adjuvant therapy. Vitamin D inadequateor deficiency should be attached great importance in the treatment of asthma, and vitamin D supplementation is expectedto become one of the important auxiliary methods for the treatment of asthma.
      【Key words】 Children; Bronchial asthma; Vitamin D; Lung function; Research; Progress·综述·doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-6350.2020.17.026
