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      作者:林愉快,焦岚 综述 王远勤 审校    暨南大学口腔医学院,广东 广州 510632
      卷次: 2020年31卷17期
      【摘要】 动态导航系统逐渐应用于口腔种植领域,术者依据种植体术前设计位置,实时调整植入方向,避免损伤重要解剖结构,大大提高种植手术精确性。然而,动态导航技术步骤相对繁多且敏感性较高,其精确性的影响因素也相对复杂。笔者通过查阅文献简述,从动态导航系统的组成、运行原理和临床应用的角度探讨影响动态导航精确性的因素,旨在减少动态导航系统应用于种植领域时的误差,提高种植手术的安全性。
      【关键词】 动态导航;精确性;影响因素;种植牙;配准;追踪;定位
      【中图分类号】 R783 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2020)17—2261—05

Influencing factors of the accuracy of dynamic navigation in oral implant surgery.

LIN Yu-kuai, JIAO Lan, WANGYuan-qin. College of Stomatology, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, Guandong, CHINA【Abstract】 The dynamic navigation system has gradually been applied in the field of implantology. The operatoradjusts the implant direction in real time according to the preoperative design position of the implant, so as to avoid dam-age to important anatomical structures and improve the accuracy of implant surgery. However, dynamic navigation tech-nology are relatively numerous and has high technical sensitivity, and its accuracy influences are relatively complex.This article focuses on the factors influencing the accuracy of dynamic navigation from the aspects of the composition,operation principle, and clinical application of the dynamic navigation system by analyzing literatures, aiming at guidingthe clinical work, reducing the error of the dynamic navigation system applied in the field of implantology, and improv-ing the safety of implant surgery.
      【Key words】 Dynamic navigation; Accuracy; Influencing factors; Dental implant; Registration; Tracking; Local-ization·综述·doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-6350.2020.17.025
