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      作者:王智宇,刘东,刘侠,杨卫丽    海南医学院药学院,海南 海口 571199
      卷次: 2020年31卷17期
      【摘要】 目的 研究紫毛野牡丹提取物的体外抑制真菌的作用。方法 采用纸片法与微量稀释法分别考察紫毛野牡丹水提物及70%乙醇提取物对白假丝酵母菌(Ca)、热带假丝酵母菌(Ck)、光滑假丝酵母菌(Ct)、克柔假丝酵母菌(Cp)及近平滑假丝酵母菌(Cg)的体外抑制作用及相应最低抑菌浓度(MIC)。结果 纸片法中水提物对Ca、Ck、Ct、Cp、Cg的平均抑菌圈直径分别为 8.6 mm、9.0 mm、9.9 mm、9.7 mm、10.3 mm,70%乙醇提取物对Ca、Ck、Ct、Cp、Cg的平均抑菌圈直径分别为13.0 mm、11.4 mm、18.8 mm、16.1 mm、13.1 mm;微量稀释法试验中显示紫毛野牡丹水提取物对Ca的MIC为32 μg/mL,对Ck的MIC为256 μg/mL,对Cg的MIC为32 μg/mL,对Ct的MIC为128 μg/mL,对Cp的MIC为 128 μg/mL,70%乙醇提取物对Ca的MIC为 32 μg/mL,对Ck的MIC为 128 μg/mL,对Cg的MIC为32 μg/mL,对Ct的MIC为64 μg/mL,对Cp的MIC为128 μg/mL。结论 紫毛野牡丹水提取物及70%乙醇提取物对五种假丝酵母菌具有抑菌作用。
      【关键词】 紫毛野牡丹;抑菌作用;白假丝酵母菌;热带假丝酵母菌;光滑假丝酵母菌;克柔假丝酵母菌;近平滑假丝酵母菌
      【中图分类号】 R93 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2020)17—2181—03

Antibacterial activity of the water extract of Melastoma genicillatum Naud.

WANG Zhi-yu, LIU Dong, LIU Xia,YANG Wei-li. School of Pharmacy, Hainan Medical University, Haikou 571199, Hainan, CHINA【Abstract】Objective To investigate the antibacterial activity of the water extract of Melastoma genicillatumNaud. Methods The antifungal activity of the water extract and 70% ethanol extract against five Candidas (includingC. albicans, C. tropical, C. glabrata, C. krusei, C. parapsilosis) was investigated employing the filter paper disc diffu-sion and micro-dilution. Results In the disc diffusion method, the average diameters of inhibition zone of water ex-tract against Ca, Ck, Ct, Cp, and Cg were 8.6 mm, 9.0 mm, 9.9 mm, 9.7 mm, 10.3 mm, and that of 70% ethanol extractwere 13.0 mm, 11.4 mm, 18.8 mm, 16.1 mm, 13.1 mm. In addition, the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of thewater extract against Ca, Ck, Cg, Ct, and Cp was 32 μg/mL, 256 μg/mL, 32 μg/mL, 128 μg/mL, and 128μg/mL, respective-ly, while the MIC of the 70% ethanol extract against the same fungi was 32 μg/mL, 128 μg/mL, 32 μg/mL, 64 μg/mL, and128 μg/mL, respectively. Conclusion The antifungal activity of the water extract of Melastoma genicillatum Naud and70% ethanol extract were significant in the micro dilution method.
      【Key words】 Melastoma genicillatum Naud; Antibacterial activity; Candida albicans; Candida tropicalis; Candidaglabrata; Candida kruseis; Candida parapsilosi
