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      作者:杨保伟 1 综述 胡明 2,刘亚新 1 审校    1.海口市中医医院肛肠科,海南 海口 570216;2.海口市人民医院肛肠科,海南 海口 570208
      卷次: 2020年31卷16期
      【摘要】 套扎术在肛肠疾病的治疗中是一种比较常用的方法,随着近20年套扎器械的创新及套扎方法的明显改进,套扎术在治疗上的优越性越发明显,且应用范围进一步扩展。本文在参考国内外文献的基础上,对套扎术作用机制、套扎器类型与操作要领、套扎术在肛肠疾病应用进展及并发症等做一综述。
      【关键词】 套扎术;套扎器;肛肠疾病;痔疮;直肠黏膜脱垂;直肠前突;直肠息肉;并发症
      【中图分类号】 R574 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2020)16—2147—05

Application of ligation in anorectal diseases.

YANG Bao-wei 1, HU Ming 2, LIU Ya-xin 1. 1.Department of Anus andIntestine, Haikou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Haikou 570216, Hainan, CHINA; 2. Department of Anus andIntestine, Haikou People's Hospital, Haikou 570208, Hainan, CHINA【Abstract】 Ligation is a common method in the treatment of anorectal diseases. With the innovation of ligationinstrument and the improvement of ligation methods in the past 20 years, the advantages of ligation in the treatment ofanorectal diseases are more obvious, and the scope of application is further expanded. Based on the references at homeand abroad, this paper reviews the mechanism of ligation, types and operation of ligation, progress of application andcomplications of ligation in anorectal diseases.
      【Key words】 Ligation; Ligation instrument; Anorectal diseases; Haemorrhoids; Rectal mucosal prolapse; Recto-cele; Rectum polyp; Complications·综述·doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-6350.2020.16.030
