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      作者:徐国厚 综述 左翔 审校    华东疗养院放射科,江苏 无锡 214065
      卷次: 2020年31卷1期
      【摘要】 多参数磁共振成像(multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging,mp-MRI)是公认的前列腺疾病检查的最佳的影像学方法,特别是对前列腺癌(prostate cancer,PCa)的检出具有非常重要的意义。mp-MRI不仅可以清晰地显示前列腺的解剖结构及形态学改变,还能在一定程度上反映组织学信息变化,引导靶向穿刺活检。随着扫描参数的进一步优化,许多研究者对mp-MRI在PCa早期诊断、治疗方案选择、疗效评价及预后评估等方面进行了多中心、大样本的深入研究。本文就目前mp-MRI在PCa的临床应用及研究进展进行总结。
      【关键词】 多参数磁共振成像;前列腺癌;局部包膜外侵犯;主动监测;扩散加权成像
      【中图分类号】 R737.25 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2020)01—0106—05

Clinical application and research status of multi-parameter MRI in the diagnosis and treatment of prostatecancer.

XU Guo-hou, ZUO Xiang. Department of Radiology, the Convalescent Hospital of East China, Wuxi 214065,Jiangsu, CHINA【Abstract】 Multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging (mp-MRI) is recognized as the best imaging methodfor prostate disease examination, especially for the detection of prostate cancer (PCa). Mp-MRI can not only clearlyshow the anatomical structure and morphological changes of the prostate, but also reflect the changes in histological in-formation to a certain extent, and guide targeted biopsy. With the further optimization of scanning parameters, many re-searchers have conducted in-depth research on mp-MRI in the early diagnosis of PCa, treatment options, efficacy evalua-tion and prognosis evaluation. This article summarized the current clinical application and research progress of mp-MRIin PCa.
      【Key words】 Multi-parameter magnetic resonance imaging (mp-MRI); Prostate cancer (PCa); Local extracapsu-lar invasion; Active monitoring; Diffusion-weighted imaging·综述·doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-6350.2020.01.031基金项目:华东疗养院院内科研基金(编号:201601)
