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      作者:肖生平,刘玉玲,李小琳,孔宪玲    中山市博爱医院儿科,广东 中山 528400
      卷次: 2019年30卷7期
      【摘要】 目的 探讨去铁酮联合去铁胺治疗重症地中海贫血患儿的临床疗效。方法 选择 2013年 7月到2017年12月期间中山市博爱医院儿科收治的60例重型地中海贫血患儿为研究对象,根据随机数表法将患儿分为观察组与对照组,每组 30例,对照组予单独应用去铁胺治疗,观察组则联合应用去铁酮和去铁胺治疗,疗程 12个月。比较两组患儿治疗后的临床疗效以及治疗前后不同时间患儿血清铁蛋白(SF)水平的变化。结果 观察组患儿的治疗总反应率为 83.33%,明显高于对照组的 63.33%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组患儿治疗后 6个月、12个月血清SF水平分别为(2 260.7±204.8) μg/L、(1 986.6±215.8) μg/L,均明显低于对照组的(2 398.3±172.3) μg/L、(2 127.4±233.9) μg/L,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 去铁酮联合去铁胺治疗重症地中海贫血患儿的去铁效果优于单用去铁胺,其可以尽快降低患儿的铁负荷,提高治疗反应率,且无明显不良反应。
      【关键词】 地中海贫血;去铁酮;去铁胺;铁过载;铁负荷;疗效
      【中图分类号】 R729 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2019)07—0862—03

Efficacy of deferiprone combined with desferrioxamine in the treatment of children with severe thalassemia.

XIAOSheng-ping, LIU Yu-ling, LI Xiao-lin, KONG Xian-ling. Department of Pediatrics, Zhongshan Humanity Hospital,Zhongshan 528400, Guangdong, CHINA
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of deferiprone combined with desferrioxamine in thetreatment of children with severe thalassemia. Methods A total of 60 cases of children with severe thalassemia, who ad-mitted to Department of Pediatrics of Zhongshan Humanity Hospital from July 2013 to December 2017, were selectedand divided into the observation group and the control group according to random number table method, with 30 cases ineach group. The control group was treated with desferrioxamine alone, while the observation group was treated with de-feriprone combined with desferrioxamine for 12 months. The curative effect after treatment and the changes of serum fer-ritin (SF) levels in children before and after treatment at different time in the two groups were compared. Results Thetotal response rate of the observation group was 83.33% , which was significantly higher than 63.33% of the controlgroup (P<0.05); the serum SF of the observation group was (2 260.7±204.8) μg/L and (1 986.6±215.8) μg/L at 6 and 12months after treatment, respectively, which were significantly lower than corresponding (2 398.3±172.3) μg/L and (2 127.4±233.9) μg/L of the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion The effect of deferiprone combined with desferrioxamine in thetreatment of children with severe thalassemia is better than that of desferrioxamine alone. It can reduce the iron load ofchildren as soon as possible and improve the response rate of treatment without obvious adverse reactions.
      【Key words】 Thalassemia; Deferiprone; Desferrioxamine; Iron overload; Iron load; Curative effect
