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      作者:赵睿 1,张钊 2,刘立 2,甘中学 3,贾婷婷 1,冯杭 1,朱亮 1,乔波 1,邢乐君 1,张海钟 1,吴子忠 4    (1.中国人民解放军总医院口腔科,北京 100853;2.北京大学工学院,北京 100871;3.宁波市智能制造产业研究院,浙江 宁波 315000;4.中国人民解放军第88医院口腔科,山东 泰安 271000)
      卷次: 2018年29卷23期
      【摘要】 目的 报道一种新型的口腔医疗机器人系统,用于口腔疾病的早期诊断及口腔卫生的日常维护。方法 设计一种用于口腔早期诊断和自助式口腔洁治的集成化机器人系统,该系统包括主机、机械臂、工作端、自助口腔洁治模块、口腔疾病早期筛查模块、终端计算机辅助系统、医患沟通平台软件系统等。患者经过简单学习和培训后,可进行自助式口腔洁治,并向医生远程传输口腔疾病信息,以获得早期诊断和指导。结果 该口腔机器人系统具有7个自由度的冗余机械臂,同时集成了360°高清视觉系统和力反馈系统,自助口腔洁治模块和口腔疾病早期筛查模块综合成本可控制在500元人民币以下,维护成本低廉,预期广泛覆盖70个大中城市,满足近8亿人口的口腔卫生维护需求。结论 该机器人系统在口腔疾病的预防和早期发现中具有一定的实用意义,能够提高民众的口腔健康水平和生活质量,同时可以降低国家医疗成本。
      【关键词】 机器人;口腔疾病;口腔洁治;口腔疾病预防
      【中图分类号】 R780.1 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2018)23—3348—03

A self-service robot system design for early diagnosis of oral diseases and oral cleaning.

ZHAO Rui 1, ZHANG Zhao 2,LIU Li 2, GAN Zhong-xue 3, JIA Ting-ting 1, FENG Hang 1, ZHU Liang 1, QIAO Bo 1, XING Le-jun 1, ZHANG Hai-zhong 1,WU Zi-zhong 4. 1. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, the Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, CHINA;2. College of Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, CHINA; 3. Ningbo Intelligent Manufacturing IndustryResearch Institute, Ningbo 315000, Zhejiang, CHINA; 4. Department of Stomatology, the 88th Hospital of Chinese PLA, Taian271000, Shandong, CHINA
【Abstract】 Objective To design a new medical robot system for early diagnosis of oral diseases and routinemaintenance of oral hygiene. Methods An integrated system for early diagnosis of oral diseases and routine mainte-nance of oral hygiene was designed. The system includes main engine, work handle, working end, miniature HD camera,computer aided system, doctor-patient communication platform software system and so on. After a simple training, thepatient can use the doctor's remote guidance to perform self-service oral scaling and show the oral disease to doctor re-motely for early diagnosis and treatment. Results Medical robot system has 7 degrees of freedom redundant mechani-cal arm, and integrates 360 degree HD vision and force feedback system. The comprehensive cost of self-service oralcleaning module and early oral disease screening module can be controlled below ¥500. This system will cover 70 largeand medium-sized cities and meet the needs of oral health maintenance for nearly 800 million people. Conclusion Therobot system has certain practical significance in the prevention and early detection of oral diseases, which can improvepeople's oral health level and quality of life, and at the same time save the country's medical cost.
      【Key words】 Robot; Oral disease; Oral cleaning; Oral disease prevention·论 著·doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-6350.2018.23.029基金项目:国家重点研发计划(编号:2017YFB1304300);中国人民解放军总医院转化基金(编号:2017TM-018);中国人民解放军总医院临床科研扶持基金(编号:2017FC-TSYS-2013)
