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Editorial Board

HAN YingweiHealth Commission of Hainan Provincedirector 
Associate Directors
LIAO XiaopingHainan Medical University  
YANG JunHealth Commission of Hainan Province  
WU MingHealth Commission of Hainan Province  
WANG ZhonghaoChinese Academy of Sciencesacademician, director 
LI YinpingEditorial Office of Chinese Critical Care Medicinedeputy Editor-in-Chief, editorial director 
JIN JianhuaEditorial Office of Chinese Journal of Clinical Infectious DiseasesEditor-in-Chief 
LI ChunmeiEditorial Office of Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicinevice general director 
Honorary Editor-in-Chief
QIU Yuan(Former) Chief Editor of the Medical and Health Journal Center of Shandong Provincial Hospital, Chief Editor of Shandong Medical Journal, and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Geriatrics Journalsenior editor 
HE Yuanxue Hainan Medical Associationchief physicianmedical law
Executive Editor-in-Chief
HUANG CaishengEditorial Office of Hainan Medical Journaldeputy Editor-in-Chief 
Deputry Editors-in-Chief
LIANG WeifengXixi Hospital of Hangzhouvice president of the hospitalinfectious diseases
YANG TianlunXiangya Hospital, Central South Universitydirectorcardiology
Invited Editors (sorted by Chinese Strokes)
MENG QingyueHainan Health Development Research Institutedirector<> 
MA QingbianPeking University Third Hospitalchief physician, assoicate professoremergency medicine
WANG GuangyueMinistry of Science and Technologychief physician,  professor, senior journalistcognitive psychology
WANG HuixiangBeijing Tongren Hospital, CMUassociate chief physiciangynecology and obstetrics
DENG ChengyanPeking Union Medical College Hospitalchief physiciangynecology and obstetrics
LIU WenlingPeking University People's Hospitalchief physician, professorcardiology
LIU XinminGuang'anmen Hospitalchief physicianchinese medicine gynecology
XU DingliNanfang Hospital, Southern Medical Universitychief physician, professor 
LI GangNaval General Hospitalassociate chief physicianophthalmology
LI HongjunPeking Union Medical College Hospitalchief physicianurology
TONG HongyanThe First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicinechief physicianhematology
CHEN XiaoyouBeijing Chest Hospital, CMUchief physiciantuberculosis
CHEN HaijunJinhua Municipal Central Hospitalchief physicianinfectious diseases
LUO QiupingThe First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicinechief physicianrespiratory medicine
SHI WeiqunXinhua Hospital of Zhejiang Provicnechief physicianhepatology, infectious diseases, venereology
YU ZhaohuiThe First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicinechief physiciangastroenterology
HUO YanmingWang Jing Hospital of CACMSchief physician, professorcardiology
WEI BojunBeijing Chaoyang Hospital, Capital Medical Univesitychief physicianthyroid tumor
Editors (sorted by Chinese Strokes)
WANG JieThe Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital of Hainan Provincechief physiciangenetic medicine
WEI HongHainan General Hospitalchief physicianendoscopy in gastroenterology
WEN GuoqiangHainan General Hospitalchief physicianneurology
TIAN GuogangSanya People's Hospitalchief physiciananesthesiology
BAI ZhimingHaikou People's Hospitalchief physicianurology
LÜ ChuanzhuHainan Medical Universitychief physicianemergency medicine
ZHU GenhaiHainan General Hospitalchief physiciangynecology and obstetrics
XIANG WeiThe Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital of Hainan Provincechief physicianpediatrics
QUAN HuibiaoHainan General Hospitalchief physicianendocrinology
LIU QiaoThe Fifth People's Hospital of Hainan Provincechief physiciandermatology
LIU YangHaikou People's Hospitalsenior engineermedical information
LIU YongzhongHaikou Hospital of the Maternal and Child Healthchief physicianpediatric surgery
SUN XiaoningHainan General Hospitalchief physicianmedical ethics
LI WeiHainan General Hospitalchief physiciangeriatrics
LI LiThe First Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical Universitychief physicianclinical pharmacology
LI RuzhengHainan General Hospitalchief physicianchest surgery
YANG YijunHainan General Hospitalchief physiciangeneral surgery
XIAO JinzhuThe Second People's Hospital of Hainan Provincechief physicianorgan transplant
WU ChuandongHainan Provincial Anning Hospitalchief physicianpsychosomatics
CEN SongHainan General Hospitalchief physicianandrology
HE YuanxueHainan General Hospitalchief physicianmedical law
HE ZhenyangHainan General Hospitalchief physiciancritical care
SHEN NingjiangHainan General Hospitalchief physicianosteoporosis
SONG ZhenhuaHaikou People's Hospitalassociate chief physicianrehabilitation
ZHANG YongqingSanya People's Hospitalchief physicianelectro cardiology
ZHANG YongjieHainan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospitalchief physicianchinese medicine
CHEN WenThe Second Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical Universitychief physiciannephrology
CHEN ZhongThe Second People's Hospital of Hainan Provincechief physicianhospital management
CHEN ShiHainan General Hospitalchief physicianallergic reaction
CHEN YongHainan General Hospitalchief physiciananesthesiology
CHEN JingHaikou People's Hospitalassociate chief physicianimage technology
CHEN YingThe First Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical Universitychief physicianphysical medicine and rehabilitation
CHEN DaqiangHainan Provincial Anning Hospitalchief physicianhospital management
CHEN ZhengyiHaikou People's Hospitalchief physiciangastroenterology
CHEN ZhibinHainan Medical Universitychief physicianinternal medicine
CHEN MoshuiHaikou People's Hospitalchief physiciancardiology
LIN ZhanHainan Pingshan Hospitalchief physicianpsychiatry
LIN FengHainan General Hospitalchief physicianinfectious diseases
LIN ShaominHainan General Hospitalchief physicianradiology and tumor
OU BoWest Hainan Medical Centerchief physicianophthalmology
OUYANG BishanHainan General Hospitalchief physicianpain management
YI XinanHainan Medical Universityprofessorscience popularity
JIN SongThe First Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical Universitychief physicianperinatal medicine
ZHOU KailunHaikou People's Hospitalchief physicianhepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery
MENG ZhibinThe First Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical Universitychief physicianspinal medicine
ZHAO JiannongHainan General Hospitalchief physicianneurosurgery
ZHONG XingwuHainan Ophthalmologic hospitalchief physicianophthalmology
JIANG HongyanHainan General Hospitalchief physicianotolaryngology
YAO HongxiaHainan General Hospitalchief physicianhematology
XIA LipingThe First Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical Universitychief physiciantumor
GU ShenhongThe First Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical Universitychief physiciangeneral practice
XU WenThe First Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical Universitychief physicianfamily planning
WENG YangThe First Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical Universitychief physicianpathology
LUAN ChunThe First Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical Universitychief physicianhealth management
GUO MinHainan General Hospitalchief physicianresearch management
ZHAN WangHainan General Hospitalchief physicianplastic surgery and cosmetology
HUANG YuanhuaHainan Medical Universitychief physicianreproductive medicine
HUANG ShouguoHaikou People's Hospitalchief physicianminimally invasive gynecology
HUANG YijiangHainan General Hospitalchief physicianrespiratory medicine
FU ShengmiaoHainan General Hospitalchief physiciantest medicine
PENG BoHaikou People's Hospitalchief physicianminimally invasive surgery
JIANG LupingHainan Provincial Anning Hospitalchief physicianpsychiatry
ZHAN FengHainan General Hospitalchief physicianrheumatology
XIANYU ShumingHainan General Hospitalchief physicianinfectious diseases
LIAO FengHainan General Hospitalchief physicianpediatrics
LIAO ZhiwuHainan Center for Disease Control and Preventiondirectordisease control
LI QingshanThe Fifth People's Hospital of Hainan Provincechief physicianhospital management
FAN WeiminThe First Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical Universitychief physiciannuclear medicine
PAN YunchuanHainan General Hospitalchief physicianburn medicine and plastic surgery
WEI ChengwenHainan General Hospitalchief physicianhyperbaric oxygen