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Hainan Medical Journal is a comprehensive academic journal in medical science and technology governed by Hainan Provincial Health Commission and sponsored by Hainan Medical Association. Hainan Medical Journal developed from quarterly to semi-monthly journal in the past decades and is highly recognized in China.

Aim and scope
The journal is committed to reporting scientific discovery and technological innovation achievements, disseminating medical information, academic concepts, new theories and methods, introducing empirical evidence in prevention and treatment, and facilitating the development of medical and health cause, especially in Hainan Province.
The columns include Commentary, Basic Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Laboratory and Clinical, Imaging and Clinical, Pharmacy and Clinical, Disease Monitoring, Investigation, Review, Clinical Experience, Meta-Analysis, Health Education, Hospital Management, Nursing, Case Report, Pandemic Studies, etc.

In 1973, the journal was founded in name of Hainan Health, sponsored and governed by the "Health Department of Hainan Administrative Region". It was an internal journal for medical information exchange with unfixed issuing date.
In 1984, the sponsor was renamed as “Health Bureau of Hainan Administrative Region”.
In 1989, the journal was renamed as Hainan Medical Journal, published at home and abroad (ISSN: 003-6350, CN: 46-1025/R), governed by Hainan Provincial Department of Health and sponsored by Hainan Provincial Institute of Health Education.
In 1991, the sponsor was changed to "Hainan Branch of the Chinese Medical Association” and “Hainan Institute of Medical Information".
In 2003, the sponsor was changed to Hainan Medical Association.
In 2014, the governing institute was renamed as "Hainan Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission"
In 2018, the governing institute was renamed as "Hainan Provincial Health Commission".

The journal is included in Chinese Medical Abstracts, Chinese Science and Technology Data Catalog (Medical), Chinese Biomedical Literature Database CNMEDLARS, Chemical Abstracts (CA,US), and Japan Science and Technology Agency Database (JST, Japan).
From 2009 to 2017, it was selected in Chinese Science and Technology Core Periodicals Catalogue.
Since 2014, it has been selected as a statistical source journal of the Annual Report of Impact Factors of Chinese Academic Journals. In 2021, it was in Q1 of general medical journals, with the clout index (CI) value of 544.339, ranking the 22nd among 212 comprehensive journals of natural science and engineering technology.
Since 2020, this journal has been rated as "RCCSE Chinese Core Journals - Class A".
In 2021, it won the third prize of the fifth Hainan Provincial Publications Government Award;

Key features
Hainan Province has unique geographical features, distinctive natural environment and rich tourism resources. Tropical medicine is a key feature of this journal. Taking advantages of Hainan Free Trade Port, this journal carries out special research topics such as free trade port, tropical disease, ocean and city, innovative medicine and equipment, medical tourism, high-end healthcare, and Li-ethnic medicine.